New Student Intake 2019

New Students 2019

  • Ritah

    Ritah is a 21 year old from Olyaca village in Kalaki District. She is the 3rd born in her family, living with her single mother. Ritah’s mother is a nursing assistant at the Lwala Hospital, earning a minimal wage to provide funding for her children’s primary schooling. “When I become a midwife we shall work hand in hand to save lives of pregnant women.” _Ritah

    Ritah is pursuing a Midwifery degree at the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery- Apac , completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2022.

  • Jesse

    Jesse is a 20 year old from Omoratok East Village, in Kaberamaido District. He is the 1st born of 5 children. Jesse is living with his 72 year old paternal grandmother. His father was a primary teacher until he passed away in 2014. “ I want to become a nurse so as to upgrade personal hygiene in my community through healthcare, I want to work hand in hand with the community to prevent some diseases as a result of poor hygiene like cholera.”- Jesse

    Jesse is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. He will graduate in December 2022.

  • Peter

    Peter is a 18 year old from Abermunyo village, in Kaberamaido District. He is the 1st born of 5 children, his father passed away when he was 3. His mother depends on farming to fund the tuition cost for her children, she understands the importance of education. As Peter’s mother became unable to farm, Peter supported his siblings education by baking bricks.

    Peter is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. He will graduate in December 2022.

  • Babrah

    Babrah is a 20 year old, twin. She and her 9 siblings live with both of her parents who depend on agriculture for survival. Babrah sat for her O- level exams in 2017, passed and wanted to go for a nursing course. She could not achieve her dream of becoming a nurse because the father was overwhelmed with paying school fees for her other 9 siblings.

    Babrah is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2022.

  • Samuel

    Samuel is a 20 year old from Abedi village, in Kaberamaido District. He is the 1st born of 5 children. Samuel’s father passed in 2006, prior to that he and his parents worked together as farmers to raise funds for tuition. “ I feel so sorry when people of Uganda are dying of simple diseases like malaria because there are fewer nurses in health centres.”- Samuel

    Samuel is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. He will graduate in December 2022.

  • Rebecca

    Rebecca is one of the first students that the Education for Hope Foundation supported in 2017. Fortunately we met during our first visit to Kaberamaido, Uganda. During that time, Rebecca spoke about her dream of becoming a nurse. Because of her dream, the Education for Hope Foundation was established. The foundation provided financial support for her to complete her O-level’s before entering into nursing school. In Dec 2018 she re-sat for her National Examination and was ultimately excepted into nursing school.

    Rebecca is pursuing a Midwifery degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2022.

  • Gloria

    Gloria is from the Odiope.B.village, in Kaberamaido District. She lives with her parents and siblings, they depend on agriculture to pay school fees. Her parents asked her stay home for possibly a period of two years until they might raise enough funds for her nursing education. - Gloria

    Gloria is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2022.