Why Kaberamaido?
History and Population statistics of Kaberamaido
District of Eastern Uganda
Agriculture, with a main emphasis on food crops
Kaberamaido has an underdeveloped road network. Roads do not exist in some parts of the district greatly hindering transport
The district has a total of 86 primary schools with 79 government and 7 community schools. For secondary schools, the district has over 15 schools, 5 are government, 3 private and 7 community.
There is no Government dispensary, 7 health centers at the county level, 1 health centre at sub-county level. There are 2 private/NGO dispensaries, 1 clinic and no health centre.
Area Specific Profiles
Population Statistics – National Population and Housing Census 2014
Area Specific Profiles – Kaberamaido District
Male: 102,250 Female 104,245 Urban 57,902 Rural 148,593 Total 206,495
• Two out of every 25 (8%) children less than 18 years of age were orphaned;
• One in every 16 (6% ) of the girls aged 12 to 17 years had already given birth;
• One in every 15 (6.5%) of the girls aged 12 – 17 had ever been in a marriage union;
– National Population and Housing Census 2014 Area Specific Profiles – Kaberamaido District
Education Statistics: Area Specific Profiles – Kaberamaido District
87 % of persons aged 15 years and older highest level of education completed is below a Senior Year High School Degree.
83% of Males and 92% of Females aged 15 years and older highest level of education completed is below a Senior Year High School Degree.
8% of males and 4% of females aged 18 years and older completed “O” level Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE).
2% of Males and 0.5% of Females aged 20 years and older highest level of education completed is “A” level Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE).
Access to Health
There is no Government dispensary, 7 health centres at the county level, 1 health centre at sub-county level. There are 2 private/NGO dispensaries, 1 clinic and no health centre.
HEALTH SERVICES in Kaberamaido
Access to a Health Facility
12.% of the population in Kaberamaido are within 5 km or more to the nearest health facility, whether public or private.
The number of health personnel in Uganda is 1.49 per 1,000 population, critically below the WHO recommended a minimum of 2.3 per 1,000 population:
Health Worker H/W: Population ratio Density per 1,000 population
Nurses 1: 3,540 0.28 / 1,000
Midwives 1: 7,009 0.14 / 1,000
Resource: Annual Health Sector Performance Report 2010/11 – National Population and Housing Census 2014 Area Specific Profiles – Kaberamaido District