New Student Intake 2018
New Students 2018
Racheal is 19 years old from the Ajai Village, in Kaberamaido District. She is the last born of 5 children. Unfortunately, her father who was a teacher and the family supporter lost his sight. “ I am interested in Midwifery, when I was young at the age of 10, I witnessed how an expectant mother died in the hospital during the time of delivery because of few attendants who are at the hospital.” Rachael
Rachael is pursuing a Midwifery degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2020.
Emmanuel is 24 years old from the Abango Village, in Kaberamaido District. He is the last born of 5 children. His parents passed away when their 1st born was 12 years old and he was 8 months old. He and his siblings were raised by their grandparents, who supported him through farming.
Emmanuel is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. He will graduate in December 2020.
Caroline is 24 years old from the Araak Village “A”, in Kaberamaido District. She lives with her mother, the only born to a single mother. In 2016 she received an admission letter for a nursing education importunely she failed to raise the required tuition. Caroline remained at home to help her mother with farming.
Caroline is pursuing a Nursing degree at The Good Samaritan International School of Nursing and Midwifery, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2020.
Barbra is 20 years old from the Acet Village, in Kaberamaido District. She is the 1st born of 6 children. Barbra is the only child in her household to continue her education. “ I want to be a midwife to take good care of the babies during birth so that they are free from transmitted diseases like HIV/ Aids that can easily be passes from mother to baby. “- Barbra
Barbra is pursuing a Midwifery degree at the St. Joseph’s School of Midwifery and Nursing (Kamuli), completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2020.
Catherine is 20 years old from the Ojangai Village, in Kaberamaido District. She is the 1st born of 6 children. “I am proud of nurses because they are really trying all thier possible ways to make sure that we are living a healthy and happy life in the community.” - Catherine
Catherine is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Lira School of Comprehensive Nursing, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2020.
Lawrence is a 21 years old from the Ogonyo Village, in Kaberamaido District. He is raised by a single mother, he assist his mother with farming to provide an income for his education. “Since I was young, I have always wanted to be a doctor.” - Lawrence
Lawrence is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jerusalem School of Nursing and Midwifery-Lira, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. He will graduate in December 2020.
Oliver is 19 years old from the Oleko Village, in Kaberamaido District. She is the 6th born of 11 children. Oliver lives with her parents and siblings. “I encourage children, men and women in the whole community about good health, teach them how nursing has helped my life, I will also educate the children about the importance of nursing.” - Oliver
Oliver is pursuing a Nursing degree at the Jinja school of Nursing, and Midwifery, completing a 2 ½ year certificate program. She will graduate in December 2020.